We at PPT are proud to announce the launch of our brand new website!
Ever since the beginning we have always been driven forward by innovation and modernity. Over the past 15 years the off-grid market has changed and opened up opportunities that would otherwise have been unimaginable, and Portable Power Technology has been there every step of the way to get this same innovation, right into your hands.
On this journey we’ve learned so much and have been fortunate enough to work with brilliant minds who have helped perfect our craft and allow us to deliver to the highest quality, time and time again. PPT has continued to thrive and excel even in the face of adversary, so to reflect and celebrate this growth we believed the time was necessary to update our existing website and face the world with a brand new smile and a fresh coat of paint.
We sincerely hope you’ll all enjoy our new corporate home page and ecommerce shop, though if you have any feedback please do contact us here!
Lastly we’d like to extend our thanks to you, as none of this would have been achieved without your trust and support. As we buckle up for the next adventure, we just want to take the time to tell you that no matter what’s on the road ahead, our priority has never and will never change.
We’ll always be there. Keeping you powered, wherever you are.